Abstract | Zakonodavstvo Republike Hrvatske i brojnih stranih država obilježava postojanje skupa pravnih pravila kojima se normira pravni status dobara od javnog interesa. Takva dobra bitna su za svakodnevni život građana i gospodarski razvitak zemlje pa je njihov pravni režim često predmet doktrinarnih rasprava i zakonodavnih intervencija. U europskim kontinentalnim pravnim sustavima norme privatnoga prava ne smatraju se adekvatnima za uređenje cjelokupnoga pravnog režima dobara od javnog interesa. Njihov pravni režim stoga je u velikoj mjeri uređen normama javnoga prava. Specifičnost javnoga prava autoritativno je postupanje javne vlasti u onim slučajevima kada je potrebno zaštititi javni interes, pa se javnopravne norme smatraju pogodnim sredstvom za takvu regulaciju. Javno dobro u općoj uporabi centralna je kategorija pravnih sustava u kojima dobra od javnog interesa imaju poseban pravni status. Ključna odrednica pravnog režima javnoga dobra u općoj uporabi pravo je svih pripadnika zajednice da takvo dobro koriste sukladno njegovoj namjeni. Interes zajednice po pitanju korištenja javnog dobra u općoj uporabi kvalificira se kao javni interes, čija se zaštita ostvaruje prvenstveno putem radnji upravljanja tim dobrom. Djelatnost upravljanja javnim dobrom u općoj uporabi međutim nije adekvatno uređena u hrvatskome pravu. Štoviše, ne postoje niti pravna pravila koja bi na općenit način normirala pravni režim ovog dobra. Posljedične tomu pod pritiskom privatnih interesa, javni interes može biti ugrožen i potisnut u drugi plan. Cilj doktorskog rada stoga je analiza upravljanja i korištenja javnoga dobra u općoj uporabi radi kritičkog preispitivanja primjerenosti hrvatskih pozitivnih propisa te predlaganja normativnih intervencija. Raščlamba normativnih rješenja režima javnog dobra u općoj uporabi u poredbenom pravu doprinosi razjašnjenju otvorenih pitanja te unaprjeđenju relevantnog zakonodavstva u Republici Hrvatskoj. U koncipiranju osnovnih postavki općeg pravnog režima javnog dobra, osim analize pozitivnog prava šest stranih država, koriste se i metode čiji rezultati nadilaze okvir klasične pravno-pozitivističke analize. Doktorski rad stoga nudi konkretne smjernice za regulaciju režima upravljanja i korištenja javnog dobra u općoj uporabi koji udovoljava zahtjevima zaštite javnog interesa. Na praktičnoj razini, ove smjernice mogu se koristiti kao okvir za normativna uređenje relevantne problematike. |
Abstract (english) | The Croatian legal system, as well as many foreign legat systems, is characterized by the existence of a set of legal rules to standardize the legal status of the goods in general use. Such goods are essential for the daily Iife of citizens and the economic development of the country, therefore their legal regime is often the subject of doctrinal debate and legislative intervention. 1n European continental legal systems, norms of private law are not considered adequate for the regulation of the entire legat regime of these goods, and are therefore largely govemed by public law. The suitability of public law is reflected in the possibility of authoritative action by public bodies in cases when it is necessary to protect the public interest, hence considering public Jaw norms a suitable means for such a regulation. Public good in general use is a centra! category oflegal systems where goods of public interest have a specific legal status. One of the key determinants of the legal system of this category of goods is the right of ali community members to use such good according to its purpose. This is why the interest of the community regarding the use of public goods is considered public interest. Protection of the public interest is provided through the actions of managing public good in general use.
However, the management activity is not adequately regulated in Croatian legislation. Moreover, there are no legal norms to regulate generally the legal system of this category of goods. Some aspects of the legal regime of certain forms of public good in general use, are govemed by special laws, which were passed without systematic cooperation between the competent state authorities. The status of some goods has radically changed several times in succession, without adequate time period needed for evaluation of the effects of established legal regimes and analysis ofits strengths and weaknesses. All this resulted in a complex system of legal norms, complicated for legal theorists and practitioners. The main consequence ofthe lack oflegal rules which would generally prescribe the legal regirne ofthe public good, is much more serious and manifests itself as an insufficient level of protection of public interest. Consequently, under the pressure of pri vate interests, public interest can be compromised. The subject ofthis written work, therefore, is the analysis ofthe management and the use ofpublic good in general use with the objective to critically address the adequacy of Croatian positive regulations and to propose possible regulatory interventions. Analysis of normative solutions ofthe regime of public good in general use in comparative law, especially frorn the viewpoint ofmanagement and use ofthat good, contributes to the clarification ofmany outstanding issues in Croatian doctrine and to the improvement of the relevant legislation in the Republic of Croatia. Shaping of the basic postulates of the legal regime of the public good in general use is based on the analysis of positive law of six foreign states, but also on the use of methods the results of which go beyond the framework of classical legal positivism. The thesis therefore provides specific guidelines for the regulation of management and use of a public good, which meets the requirements necessary for the protection of the public interest. On a practical level, these guidelines can be used as a framework for the normative regulation of the relevant issues. |