Author Arijana Pospišil
Mentor Sandra Fabijanić Gagro (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Crnić-Grotić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Fabijanić Gagro (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Winkler (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW (Chair of International Law) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2016-07-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law International Law
Abstract Oružani sukobi uređeni su međunarodnim humanitarnim pravom, koje svojim odredbama želi humanizirati jednu potpunu kaotičnu situaciju s ciljem zaštite civila. Propisima se žele zaštititi temeljna ljudska prava, tako što se izričito zabranjuju postupanja koja ta prava krše. Unatoč zabranama, postoji zločin koji se uspješno provlači između svih propisa. On postaje fenomen, ali i uspješno oružje svakoga oružanoga sukoba. Riječ je o silovanju. Ovaj zločin koji je svrstan u kategoriju ratnoga zločina, ali i zločina protiv čovječnosti postao je oružje koje izaziva neizmjernu patnju, boli i traumu koja žrtvu prati kroz cijeli život. Sve institucije, kako međunarodne, tako i domaće ovaj zločin osuđuju, ali još mu nisu stale na kraj. Borba još traje. Silovanje je obilježilo svaki oružani sukob, ali u Siriji, kao i na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije način na koji je provođeno i još se provodi dovelo je do toga da silovanje u određenim slučajevima možemo uvrstiti u genocidne čini. Žrtvama se niti danas ne zna točan broj, a mnoge od njih ne uživaju prava koja im pripadaju. Svjedočanstva žrtava pokazuju strahotu ovoga zločina, ali i njegovu težinu koja se proteže dugi niz godina. Kompleksnost ovoga zločina zahtjeva aktiviranje svih, riječ je o globalnom problemu koji je prepreka trajnome miru, jer sve dok žrtve svoju pravdu nisu dočekale i sve dok se nove žrtve ovoga zločina neprestano gomilaju, oružani sukobi zauvijek će trajati. Međunarodno humanitarno pravo i Ženevske konvencije temelj su borbe, a aktivnosti Ujedinjenih naroda i država put su za zaustavljanje ovoga zločina. U procesuiranju ovoga zločina središnju ulogu ima Međunarodni kazneni sud, Međunarodni kazneni tribunal za bivšu Jugoslaviju, te Međunarodni kazneni tribunal za Ruandu kao tvorci suvremene i progresivne sudske prakse koja je omogućila ili će omogućiti privođenje počinitelja pravdi, a žrtvama će pružiti dugo traženi mir i normalan život.
Abstract (english) Armed conflicts are regulated by international humanitarian law, which provisions seeks to humanize a complete chaotic situation in order to protect civilians. The regulations want to protect basic human rights, so as to prohibit practices that violate these rights. Despite the restrictions, there is a crime that is successfully going between all the regulations. This crime become a phenomenon, but also a successful weapon in every armed conflict. It is rape. This crime, which is categorized as a war crime, but also as crime against humanity, became a weapon that causes immeasurable suffering, pain and trauma that follows the victim for a lifetime. Institutions, both international and domestic condemn this crime, but still they didn't find the way how to stop it. There is still a fight against it. Rape marked every armed conflict, but the way it was conducted in Syria and Former Yugoslavia led the rape to the point, that in certain cases can be classified as part of a genocide act. Today we still don' t know the exact number of victims, however for those who we know, many of them do not enjoy the rights they are entitled to. Testimonies of victims show the horror of this crime and the heaviness that lasts for many years. The complexity of this crime requires the activation of all, it is a global problem which is an obstacle to the lasting peace. Untile the victims don't get the justice and the new victims of this crime are constantly growing, armed conflicts will last forever. International humanitarian law and Geneva Conventions are the base of the fight, but also the activities of United Nations and countries are the way to stop this crime. The central role in the prosecution of this crime has the International Criminal Court, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, as the creators of the modern and progressive case law that allowed or would allow bringing the perpetrators to justice and to victims will provide the long peace and normal life.
oružani sukobi
međunarodno humanitarno pravo
civilno stanovništvo
ratni zločin
zločin protiv čovječnosti
oružani sukobi na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije
Ujedinjeni narodi
Međunarodni kazneni sud
Međunarodni kazneni tribunal za bivšu Jugoslaviju
Međunarodni kazneni tribunal za Ruandu
Keywords (english)
armed conflicts
international humanitarian law
civilian population
war crime
crime against humanity
armed conflicts in Former Yugoslavia
United Nations
International Criminal Court
International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia
International Tribunal for Rwanda
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:051167
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-10-21 12:08:53