Author Luka Brajković
Mentor Matija Miloš (mentor)
Committee member Maša Marochini Zrinski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matija Miloš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Grbić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-07-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Teorija ustava u materijalnome smislu zaokuplja pažnju teoretičara mnogih disciplina već skoro dvjesto godina. Zbog svojega polemičkoga karaktera i teškoga određenja što materijalni ustav uopće jest, ova je teorija smatrana i pomalo kontroverznom, čak i nepoćudnom za ustavnu teoriju. Ovaj rad, prateći trend europske ustavne teorije zadnjih 10-ak godina, koja se ponovno aktivnije posvetila izučavanju ove „opasne“ teme, nastoji istražiti ima li pojam materijalnoga ustava ikakvu spoznajnu korist za teorijska, ali i praktična promišljanja ustavnoga prava. Vodeći se teorijskim zasadama Marca Goldonija, kao jednoga od glavnih predvodnika novoga vala zanimanja za materijalni ustav, u ovom se radu primjenjuju postavke „materijalnih istraživanja konstitucionalizma“ na primjeru Republike Hrvatske. Nastojeći biti korektiv formalnome konstitucionalizmu, kroz uvrštavanje materijalne razine u ustavnopravna razmatranja želi se dati doprinos dodatnome produbljivanju i boljemu objašnjavanju ustavne stvarnosti, a osobito ideje o tome kako razumijevati ustavne promjene. Obzirom da su ustavne promjene vrlo širok pojam, ovaj se rad usredotočuje na doktrinu „neustavnih ustavnih amandmana“, koja za sobom ostavlja brojna i još uvijek neriješena pitanja. U prvome se dijelu, kao uvod u problematiku, prikazuje genezu te doktrine u hrvatskome ustavnopravnome poretku kroz Priopćenje Ustavnoga suda iz 2013. glede referenduma o ustavnoj definiciji braka. U tom se dijelu, pored kronološkoga prikaza, hrvatski slučaj iz 2013. smješta u šire teorijske okvire doktrine „neustavnih ustavnih amandmana“. U drugome se dijelu pažnja usmjerava na materijalni ustav kako ga shvaća Marco Goldoni, uz širi povijesni prikaz različitih načina shvaćanja ustava u materijalnome smislu kako bi lakše došla do izražaja vrela iz kojih je Goldoni izgradio vlastito shvaćanje. U trećem se dijelu rada želi dati jedan materijalni pogled na ustavne promjene Ustava RH, kao i pokazati u čemu je i do koje mjere spoznajna vrijednost ustava u materijalnome smislu.
Abstract (english) The theory of the constitution in the material sense has occupied the attention of theorists of many disciplines for almost two hundred years. Because of its polemical nature and difficult determination of what a material constitution is in general, this theory was also considered somewhat controversial, even undesirable for constitutional theory. This thesis, following the trend of European constitutional theory of the last 10 years, which has again become more active in studying this "dangerous" topic, seeks to explore whether the concept of material constitution has any epistemological value for theoretical and practical considerations of constitutional law. Guided by the theoretical principles of Marco Goldoni, as one of the main leaders of the new wave of interest in the material constitution, this thesis applies the "material study of constitutionalism" on the Republic of Croatia. In an effort to be a corrective to formal constitutionalism, the inclusion of the material level in constitutional considerations seeks to contribute to further deepening and better explaining the constitutional reality, and in particular the idea of how to understand constitutional change. Given that constitutional change is a very broad concept, this thesis focuses on the doctrine of “unconstitutional constitutional amendments”, which leaves behind numerous and still unresolved issues. The first part, as an introduction to the issue, presents the genesis of this doctrine in the Croatian constitutional order through the 2013 decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the referendum on the constitutional definition of marriage. In this part, in addition to the chronological presentation, the Croatian case from 2013 is placed within the broader theoretical framework of the doctrine of "unconstitutional constitutional amendments". In the second part, attention is focused on the material constitution as understood by Marco Goldoni, with a broader historical account of different ways of understanding the constitution in the material sense to more easily express the sources from which Goldoni built his own understanding. The third part of the paper seeks to give a material view of the constitutional changes to the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, as well as to show what and to what extent is the epistemological value of the constitution in the material sense.
ustav u materijalnome smislu
neustavni ustavni amandmani
Marco Goldoni
materijalna istraživanja konstitucionalizma
ustavne promjene
Keywords (english)
constitution in the material sense
unconstitutional constitutional amendments
Marco Goldoni
material study of constitutionalism
constitutional change
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:782851
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-07-11 08:33:11