Author Magdalena Bišćan Anić
Mentor Vlatka Butorac Malnar (mentor)
Committee member Danijela Vrbljanac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlatka Butorac Malnar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Perišić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW (Department of European and Comparative Law) (Chair of International and Europena Private Law) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Naslov
ovog rada je Liberalizacija i razvoj tržišta elektroenergetskog sektora u Republici
Hrvatskoj“. Rad je koncipiran u šest poglavlja. Fokus je na tržištu električne energije uz
djelomičan osvrt i na plinski sektor. Cilj rada je prikazati cjelokupan sektorski razvoj te
sadašnje stanje na tržištu Liberalizacija tržišta energetskog sektora bila je neophodna te prijeko
potrebna. Možemo reći da je liberalizacija stvorila djelomično pozitivan utjecaj na tržište u
Hrvatskoj, no nije vidljiv očekivani napredak te izravna korist za krajnje kupce, kao što je
slučaj i u drugim državama članicama Europske Unije. Cilj liberalizacije bio je dakako potpuno
otvaranje tržišta te pojava većeg broja tržišnih subjekata, a sve u svrhu pružanja veće
mogućnosti izbora za krajnje kupce. Težilo se i stvaranju energetske zajednice zemalja Europe
kako bi se uspostavila energetska neovisnost te bolji položaj država članica. Provođenje
današnje energetske politike u Hrvatskoj proizlazi iz pridruživanja i ulaska Hrvatske u
Europsku Uniju, 1. srpnja 2013. godine, čime je Hrvatska postala punopravna članica
Europske Unije čije je zakonodavstvo usklađeno s pravnom stečevinom Europske Unije.
Hrvatsko energetsko tržište potpuno je otvoreno, kako za kućanstvo tako i za poslovne
subjekte. Formalno je odvojena proizvodna i opskrbna djelatnos t, u kojoj nije došlo do
očekivanog porasta konkurencije, odnosno do pojave dovoljnog broja tržišnih sudionika koji
bi stvorili konkurentno tržište. Mrežna djelatnost također je izdvojena, no i dalje je ostala
„prirodni monopol“ u vlasništvu države. Liberalizacijom tržišta nije došlo do očekivanog pada
cijena na tržištu, a volatilnost tržišta kojoj svjedočimo zadnjih godina dovodi do sve većeg
interesa za ulaganjem u obnovljive izvore energije koji predstavljaju budućnost, kako Hrvatske
tako i drugih zemalja u Europi. Svjedočimo kako vanjski čimbenici poput ratnih i drugih stanja
direktno pogađaju energetski sektor, kako u Europi tako i u Hrvatskoj Okretanje energetskoj
neovisnosti ključno je za nesmetanu i sigurnu opskrbu. Dekarbonizacija i ulaganje u obnovljive
izvore energije ključan je put za ostvarenje Europskog zelenog plana, a Hrvatska ide dobrim
stopama. U konačnici se postavlja pitanje da li hrvatsko tržište uistinu osjeti prave učinke
Abstract (english) The topic of this the sis is “Liberalisation and development of the electricity sector market in
the Republic of Croatia The the sis is structured in six chapter. The focus will be on the
electricity market with partial review of the gas sector. The aim of the thesis is to show the
entire sector development and the current state of the market The liberalisation of the energy
sector market was necessary and indispensable. It could be said that liberalisation has created
a partially positive impact on the market in Croatia, but the expected progress and direct benefit
for final customers, as happens in other Member States of the European Union, are not visible.
The aim of liberalisation was, of course, the full opening of the market and the emergence of
more market operators, all to provide greater choice for final customers. It also sought to create
an energy community of European countries in order to establish energy independence and a
more prominent position for Member States. The implementation of today's energy policy in
Croatia stems from Croatia's accession and accession to the European Union on 1st of July
2013, thus making Croatia a full member of the European Union whose legislation is
compatible with the Acquis equip of the European Union. The Croatian energy market is
completely open, both for households and businesses. It is a formally separate production and
supply activity in which there has not been an expected increase in competition, i.e. the
emergence of a sufficient number of market participants to create a competitive market.
Network activity was also set aside, but remained a "natural monopoly" owned by the state.
Market liberalisation has not led to an anticipated fall in market prices, and the market volatility
we are witnessing in recent years lead to a growing interest in investing in renewable energy
sources that represent the future, both Croatia and other countries in Europe. We are witnessing
how external factors such as war and other situations directly affect the energy sector, both in
Europe and in Croatia. Turning to energy independence is essential for a uninterrupted and
secure supply. Decarbonization and investment in renewable energy sources is a key path to
the realization of the European Green Plan, and Croatia is making good progress. Ultimately,
the question arises whether the Croatian market truly feels the real effects of liberali s ation?
unutarnje energetsko tržište
liberalizacija energetskog tržišta
reforma energetskog sektora
konkurentno tržište
tržišno natjecanje
energetski paketi
energetski zakoni zelena tranzicija
Keywords (english)
internal energy market
libe r alisation
energy market liberalisation
energy sector reform
competitive market
energy packages
energy laws green transit ion
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:507601
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study of Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistra prava (sveučilišni magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-07-16 11:43:40