Author Patrizia Makek
Mentor Antonija Zubović (mentor)
Committee member Dionis Jurić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Budislav Vukas (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW (Department of Corporate and Financial Law) (Chair of Commercial Law and Corporate Law) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Commercial and Company Law
Abstract Kako u najrazvijenijim zemljama Europe, tako i u svakom gospodarskom okružju faktoring kao otkup potraživanja ima važnu ulogu u financiranju gospodarstva. U Hrvatskoj predstavlja relativno mlad proizvod koji zauzima mali dio financijskog sektora, a njegov razvoj na našem području se može povezati sa nastupanjem recesije. Sve češća nelikvidnost proizvođača, trgovaca, davatelja usluga i ostalih subjekata pred njih postavlja velike izazove vezane uz njihov opstanak na tržištu, a faktoring im
... More kratkoročnim financiranjem omogućuje brži i isplativiji oporavak te nastavak poslovanja nego li klasično kreditiranje. Podoban je za sve vrste poduzetnika iz svih grana djelatnosti, a u tome se ogleda sve veća popularnost faktoringa kao alternativnog načina financiranja, koji za sada u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nije dosegnuo svoj puni potencijal. Budući da su se rijetki uspjeli prilagoditi relativno novom pravnom uređenju koje je postavilo stroge organizacijske i kapitalne zahtjeve, faktoring poslovi su većinom vođeni od strane banaka ili njihovih podružnica, stoga u Republici Hrvatskoj, pod neposrednim i posrednim nadzorom Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga, trenutačno posluje svega osam faktoring društava upisanih u njezin registar, što je osjetno manje nego prethodnih godina. Novo pravno uređenje za faktoring društva znači restriktivni tretman, dok za same klijente predstavlja povećanje pravne sigurnosti, uključujući smanjenje rizika od prijevare na domaćem tržištu, što će u konačnici imati pozitivan učinak na poslovanje domaćih faktoring društava jer klijenti neće imati potrebu za alternativnim načinom financiranja u inozemstvu. Less
Abstract (english) As in the most developed countries of Europe, as well as in every economic environment, factoring as repurchase of receivables plays an important role in financing the economy. In Croatia, it is a relatively young product that takes up a small part of the financial sector, and its development in our area can be related to occurrence of the recession. Increasingly, the illiquidity of manufacturers, traders, service providers and other business entities poses major challenges to their
... More survival in the market, and factoring through short-term financing enables them faster and more cost-effective recovery and continuous business activity than classic credit. It is suitable for all types of entrepreneurs from all branches of activity, and this is reflected in the increasing popularity of factoring as an alternative financing method, which in Croatia it has not yet reached its full potential. Since only few managed to adapt to a relatively new legal framework that set strict organizational and capital requirements, factoring jobs are mostly conducted by banks or their subsidiaries, so in Croatia under direct and indirect supervision of the Croatian agency for supervision of financial services currently operates only eight factoring companies registered in its register, which is considerably less than in the previous years. New legal framework for factoring companies means restrictive treatment, while for the clients it represents an increase in legal security including a reduction of the risk of fraud on the domestic market, which will ultimately have a positive effect on the transactions of domestic factoring companies because clients will not have the need for an alternative model of financing in abroad. Less
otkup potraživanja
alternativni način financiranja
faktoring društva
Keywords (english)
purchase of receivables
alternative financing
factoring company
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:711561
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-03-13 12:23:53