Author Marina Ćaćić
Mentor Nenad Hlača (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Winkler (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Hlača (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Pošćić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW (Chair of Family Law) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2016-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Family Law
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Labor and Social Law
Abstract Tema uzdržavanje maloljetne djece u praksi Centra za socijalnu skrb Rijeka rezultat je
istraživanja provedenog nakon petogodišnjeg studija prava, u kojem je institut uzdržavanja
maloljetne djece prikazan kroz povijesna razdoblja, kao i provođenje samog instituta u praksi
Centra za socijalnu skrb Rijeka. U radu se sustavno prikazuje promjena instituta uzdržavanja
kroz različita razdoblja povijesti, uvjetovana promjenom odnosa roditelja i djece a na koji
odnos su utjecale društvene promjene.
Republika Hrvatska prvi puta samostalno regulira obiteljske odnose Zakonom o braku
i porodičnim odnosima iz 1978. godine, kojim postavlja osnovna načela instituta uzdržavanja
djece, koja vrijede i danas. Navedeni zakon bio je na snazi gotovo dvadeset godina, iako je
imao određenih nedostataka, pružao je pravnu sigurnost. Radi potreba usklađivanja hrvatskog
pravnog sustava s europskim i međunarodnim trendovima donesen je Obiteljski zakon iz
2003.g. koji doživljava nekoliko izmjena, kojima se nastojala osigurati kvalitetnija zaštitia,
osobito na području ljudskih prava, kao i ukloniti dvojbe proizašle iz primjene ranijih
zakonskih rješenja.
Institut uzdržavanja maloljetne djece sada reguliraju norme Obiteljskog zakona iz
2015.g. i Zakon o privremenom uzdržavanju iz 2014.g.
Centar za socijalnu skrb Rijeka u postupcima u kojima odlučuje o pravima i interesima
djece ima ulogu zaštite dobrobiti djeteta. Centar za socijalnu skrb u postupcima uzdržavanja
maloljetne djece kroz institut privremenog uzdržavanja, nastoji ostvariti pravo djeteta na
životni standard. Prema priloženim podacima o ukupnom broju djece korisnika prava na
privremeno uzdržavanje u razdoblju od 2013. godine do 2016. godine, vidljiv je kontinuitet u
porastu broja obitelji, a time i broja djece, iz čega proizlazi da je u porastu broj djece koja ne
uspiju ostvariti uzdržavanje od osobe koja je po zakonu dužna to činiti.
Abstract (english) Supporting minor children as a practical activity of the Centre for Social Welfare Rijeka is
a topic which resulted from a study, conducted at the end of a 5-year-long legal studies
program, in which the process of providing child support for minor children is shown through
different historical periods. This paper systematically elaborates on the changes in the process
of providing child support conditioned by the change in the parent-child relationship, which
was again influenced by social changes, and thus through various periods of history.
The Republic of Croatia started independently governing family relations by means of the
Law on Marriage and Family Relations from 1978, which defines basic principles of
providing child support, also valid today. The above mentioned law was in force for almost
twenty years. In spite of its specific disadvantages, it provided legal security. Due to the need
for harmonization of the Croatian legal system with European and international trends, in
2003 the Family Act was introduced, which was modified in order to guarantee better
protection, especially in the field of human rights, as well as to eliminate the uncertainties
which arose from the application of previously valid legal solutions.
The process od providing child support for minor children is now governed by the standards
of the Family Act from 2015 and the Law on Temporary Child Support from 2014.
The role of the Centre for Social Welfare Rijeka in the processes aimed at deciding about
children’s rights and interests is to protect the child’s wellbeing. In the process of providing
temporary child support for minor children, the goal of the Centre for Social Welfare is to
exercise the child’s right to a particular standard of living. The enclosed data on the total
number of children who have exercised the right to temporary child support in the period
from 2013 to 2016 show a continuity related to the increase in number of families and
children, which indicates a rise in the number of children not being supported by the person
obliged by law to do so.
odnos roditelja i djece
uzdržavanje maloljetne djece
pravna priroda udzržavanja
obveznici udzržavanja
određivanje udzržavanja
privremeno uzdržavanje
Centar za socijalnu skrb Rijeka
Keywords (english)
parent-child relationship
providing child support for minor children
legal nature of providing child support
payers of child support
determining child support
temporary child support
Centre for Social Welfare Rijeka
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:093379
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-10-20 10:58:03