@article{pravri:2387, author = {{Tuhtan Grgić, Iva and Bulum, Božena and Petit Lavall, Maria Victoria}}, title = {{The influence of European Union law on certain national solutions regarding the concessioning of nautical tourism ports}}, } @article{pravri:621, author = {{Tuhtan Grgić, Iva and Bulum, Božena}}, title = {{PROBLEM VALORIZACIJE ZAKONITIH ULAGANJA U LUKAMA NAUTIČKOG TURIZMA U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ}}, } @misc{pravri:2394, author = {{Tuhtan Grgić, Iva and Bulum, Božena}}, title = {{The Regime of Concessions for the Nautical Tourism Ports in Croatia – Practical Problems and Harmonisation with the EU Law}}, }